EASY DIY ALERT! Make your next bouquet of fresh flowers really pop with this “Caviar” Mason Jar Vase! Why caviar beads instead of glitter? Well they add texture and dimention to the bottom of the jar! This DIY is easy and really only requires a few supplies which you may already have on hand.
- Mason Jar of your choice
- “Caviar Beads” [mine are “Recollections” from Michael’s]
- Mod Podge
- Sponge Brush
- Masking tape or painter’s tape.
- Cup to store beads
- Tray to catch loose beads
Tip: Work in a place you don’t mind loose beads flying. The caviar beads are bouncy and will fly everywhere.
Step 1. Wrap the masking/painter’s tape around the circumference of the jar, at your desired height.
Step 2. Gather your caviar beads! Pour the color beads of your choice into a small cup. I poured a small mixture of beads into the bowl, and decided I’d mix more together if need be. Better to have not enough beads mixed together than too many!
Be careful when pouring–these beads bounce high.
Step 3. Cover the base of jar with Mod Podge. Use sponge brush to apply. Do not paint the base.
Step 4. Here is where you will want to strategize based on the desired look. There are two approaches:
1. You can hold the jar over the tray and pour the beads over the jar. You’ll get a smooth layer of beads applied to the surface this way.
2. Pour the beads into the tray and roll the jar around in the beads. You’ll get a textured layer of beads this way.
Step 5. Once you have filled in the gaps and feel satisfied with the coverage, seal in the beads with layers of Mod Podge. Wait for the layers to try in between coats. Once fully sealed, no caviar beads will be falling off.
That’s it! Arrange your favorite fresh flowers in the jar and admire away!
Any tips or tricks on wrapping the tape evenly? Mine looked even but once glittered and removed I just laughed at myself it was so wonky :(
Hi Kaite,
It’s a little tricky to remove the tape since the beads can peel off unevenly. I would put extra pressure on the edge of the beaded area that’s touching the glass as I remove the tape to keep things as even as possible. Also, if you’re not happy with how the vase turned out for now, you could try filling in the gaps by adding a little Mod Podge and using some beads to make the line straight.
Hope that helps!
Such a cute idea! It would be tricky but how pretty would it be to layer different colours of sparkles too?!