As we made our way on I-5 North, we stopped in Eugene, Oregon. Why did we choose Eugene? Funny story.
I was just casually taking photos of a Lookout Point Lake in Oregon. While walking towards a trash can to toss a piece of trash, I saw a Voodoo Doughnuts box at the very top of the trash can. Since it was morning, I was definitely in the mood for doughnuts. My eyes grazed the top of the box looking for an address in Eugene, which was the closest city to us at that point. Sure enough there it was. So that’s where we went!
The first stop was Voodoo Doughnut.
It was a quiet Sunday morning in Eugene. There weren’t too many faces up bright and early (ha!) at 11 AM. Lucky for us, the line was pretty short at Voodoo. They’re known to have lines that wrap around buildings, all for their legendary doughnuts. Their doughnuts are similar to those from Slodoco in San Luis Obispo (I mentioned them here)

I picked a vegan Voodoo Doll, only because they were out of regular Voodoo Dolls, but it was delicious.
The next stop was Townshend’s for some tea.
Townshend’s is a whole tea-only cafe with a coffee shop vibe. You can order hot tea, cold tea, and kombucha on tap. I opted for the kombucha on tap since kombucha is one of my favorite drinks at the moment (really good for digestion). They also had loose leaf tea you could order and a comprehensive guide of what teas to buy in order to fight sickness and other health issues.

Since we had already stopped, we decided that stopping at a third place, literally right next to both Voodoo and Townshend’s, Sizzle Pie. YUM!
Loved the sign they had there. If I wasn’t concerned about being healthy in the least, I’d justify my eating habits with this phrase. That was the only photo I took there, unfortunately. But their pizza is delish.
Overall, Eugene is a cute town and their downtown has a small town vibe that you just can’t find here in the Bay Area. If you get the chance to visit or make a quick stop here, I highly recommend blocking off some time to enjoy eating all the good food here.