Geez, has it been almost a month since I’ve done Favorite Finds? Things have been a bit busy around here and with the holidays coming up, everything is only going to get crazier. I’ve been seeing a lot of great Thanksgiving-themed dishes and crafty holiday gifts all over the internet, so here are a few of my favorite finds over the past week.

Easiest Garlic Mashed Potatoes – This caught my eye. Not only because there are potatoes involved, or garlic for that matter, but because it says “Easiest”. The last thing I want to do on Thanksgiving is run around like a chicken with my head cut off. Easiest is what I’m looking for. And with garlic involved, you know that it’s going to be a flavorful addition to that turkey and gravy. Yum! I may be having these mashed potatoes throughout the cold season.

Marbled Clay Ring Dish – A Beautiful Mess has been on point with those DIYs lately! These pretty dishes are so trendy right now with the whole marble craze, and even better is that you can easily make this at home and make it unique. You won’t be finding a pretty ring dish like this at a local boutique or anything…and if you do, I wouldn’t bet on it being cheap!

Gold Pretzel Napkin Rings – If the last DIY didn’t make you want to run to your local craft store and pick up some Sculpey or FIMO, then this one might push you over the edge. These pretzel napkin rings would look beautiful and whimsical on any holiday tablescape. If you want these on your table for Thanksgiving, you better get to making!

Glazed Donuts with Macaron Sprinkles – What kind of genius culinary creation is this? MIND = BLOWN! Take one super good, pretty, and delicate treat (macarons) and sprinkle them on top of your average-looking but still very tasty glazed donuts. What! WHAT! I can’t even process how amazing this idea is right now. Once I can wrap my mind around how amazing this is, I’ll be attempting this at home (hopefully).