Can you guys believe that it’s already March 1st? We’re already in the third month of 2015! I’m shocked at how quickly this year is passing by.
Anyway, here are a few of my favorite posts from around the internet that I wanted to share with you all––enjoy!

DIY Test Tube Vase Chandelier – There’s something beautiful about just how simple this test tube vase chandelier is. The test tubes really enhance the natural beauty of the freshly cut flowers (ranunculus for the win!). This chandelier also reminds me of the decor in this cafe I visited in Amsterdam, where there were flowers arranged in test tubes hanging from the wall. Very simple, but very pretty.

Roasted Veggie Pitas with Avocado Dip – My jaw dropped when I first glanced at these pitas. My first thought was “get in my belly, immediately.” It features everything I love, and all the first foods I reach for and usually like to have on hand when I need to make a quick dinner––pita bread, avocado, and chickpeas/garbanzo beans. I can’t wait to make these for lunch or dinner sometime this week. I’m especially excited for this avocado dip!

Thai Chicken Pizza – When I go out to a restaurant, Thai cuisine is my usual go-to. Everyone I know seems to love it, and let’s be real––I could eat Pad Kee Mao upwards of 5x a week. But I could also eat pizza upwards of 5x a week. So why not try something that combines my love of pizza and thai food? This pizza looks very fresh, flavorful, and healthy when compared to your run-of-the-mill pizza.

Living Airplant Wreath – If you haven’t gotten on the “air plant” bandwagon just yet, this particular project may just convince you to hop on! This beautiful, simple, natural, and airy wreath uses real air plants instead of fake craft store foliage. Air plants are simple to take care of, meaning this fresh wreath would require minimal maintenance…less maintenance than most, if not all, of your plants. It only takes 20 minutes to make!