Whenever I’m hungry and out of the house, I find myself searching for a cafe, restaurant, or store to conveniently purchase a healthy, nutritious snack/light meal. Often, I end up purchasing one of the Bistro Boxes available at Starbucks, but the price tag on those things just kill me. $6.00 for a few grapes, apple slices, and an egg? Really?
Still, I end up buying it and think “why don’t I just make these at home!?!” Well finally, I’ve followed through on that idea to make these at home. They are even more ridiculously easy to make than I thought. Here’s what I put in my box.
Please excuse my hard-boiled egg peeling skills. Obviously not top-notch.
- Red Grapes
- White Cheddar Cheese (mine is from Target)
- Apple Slices (I selected Gala apples)
- Multigrain English Muffin
- Hard-boiled Egg
- Almond Butter
I just swapped out the honey peanut butter for some all-natural almond butter, and I also opted for a multigrain English muffin over the muesli bread they provide (I’m not a fan of it because it has raisins)!
Also, I found these awesome GLAD containers that let you add any dipping sauce to a little cup that attaches directly to the lid. How cool is that?
I’m calling this a successful attempt! Next to try, the Cheese & Fruit box, which honestly seems even easier than the protein box.
And another reason to make them at home other than price? I’ve heard from several sources that these boxes are packed with preservatives and all things bad for you, which is why they look so fresh when you get your hungry little hands on them. Taking the time to make these at home and making a few healthy swaps will go a long way in making this box a light and healthy meal! I’m going to make a few of these and stow them away in my fridge.
So simple yet also such a great idea! Prepping these once I start working from an office again!